Monday, July 28, 2008

X-Tension Chords Shorts

In Traverse City, it appears, the cows come home at midnight. That’s what the X-Tension Chords and their fans learned at Shimmers nightclub when the witching hour rolled around to put an end to June 11th and an amazing night of dancing, fun, and rock ’n roll. This was the ’Chords 5th year performing at ACE, 4th time appearing in a pre-arranged room, 3rd time with a dance floor, 2nd time with a full PA (and official nametag ribbons), and 1st time with lights, fog, and a disco ball. True, we felt like we could have played another hour or two, but the early quitting time probably made for a more productive next day at the conference. Props to all the performers, “fifth Beatle” Randy Nemitz, and the crew at Shimmers.

An email note from the rental outfit that provided PA and most of our instruments: “I hope to work with you guys [sic] in the future! It’s very nice to get to work with people who are not jerks. Your band was by far one of my better gigs!” Clearly, the band has to work on its attitude.

The ’Chords Unplugged had its first performance on an Opera House stage the next night, opening for the house band. We started out a little shakey, but got going pretty quick with a set of blues and folk, and a little yodel tossed in here and there. Thanks go out to Debbie Hagenmeier and the conference planners who secured the gig for us, and to Judy Harrison & Swing Shift who so generously let us use their PA equipment. Also to 'Chords newcomer Brad Haire, who joined us on stage. My biggest fear was that I’d step up to the mic and see everything in our meager repertoire written down on Swing Shift’s set list, taped to the floor next to the mic stand.

Now everybody is practicing at not pronouncing our "S"s in preparation for next year's gig. All we can say is, “Look out, Des Moines!”

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